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When to enjoy.

The season for Northwest cherries is short, but definitely sweet! They’re at their best from mid-June through the end of August.

Why the Northwest? The unique climate, soil, and elevation in this region consistently produces big, flavorful cherries of excellent quality. We work directly with our growers to ensure our cherries are ripe and fresh, because that’s the best way to enjoy some of the best cherries in the world.


  • Cherries like it cold! Get them into the refrigerator as soon as you get them home.
  • Cherries with stems last longer than cherries with stems removed.
  • Rinse cherries under cold water when you’re ready to enjoy them (not earlier).
  • Cherries brought to room temperature will have better flavor than cold ones.
  • Pit cherries before you freeze them.

Cherries are a good source of vitamin C. A 1-cup (5 oz) serving of Rainier cherries provides about 100 calories, and the following:

Sodium: 0 mg
Potassium: 350 mg/10% DV
Carbohydrates: 26 g/9% DV
Fiber: 1 g/4% DV
Sugars: 16 g
Protein: 1 g
Vitamin A: 2% DV
Vitamin C: 15% DV
Calcium: 2% DV
Iron: 2% DV

Percent Daily Values (% DV) based on a 2,000-­calorie diet.