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woman holding sport water bottleWe all start the new year with the best of intentions. In fact, nearly half of Americans make a resolution. So why do so many go unfulfilled? Here are three things to focus on when creating your goals.

1. Stay Flexible

Setting an overly restrictive goal (“never eat sugar,” “go to the gym every day”) isn’t always effective. It’s good to be specific, but give yourself a realistic goal, such as eating smaller portions, eating 5 fruits and vegetables per day, or exercising three times a week.

2. Stay Positive

While goals often come from something we want to change, it helps to think of a positive spin on it. For example, focusing on cooking at home is more fun than focusing on not eating out.

3. Focus on the Goal

Focusing on getting to a specific weight on the scale may seem motivating, but it restricts what counts as a success. Choose a positive goal instead, like taking dance lessons or joining a running club.

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