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Holiday Meals and Thanksgiving Dinner

Shop holiday meals from Publix.
46 product results - Search filters updated
Delight your guests with our sweet slice ham dinner: easy, delicious, and festive. Serves about 8 Ready as soon as 2 days
Your complete holiday dinner, with a 10 lb. turkey, mashed potatoes, gravy and more. Serves about 8 Ready as soon as 2 days
The complete holiday feast, with turkey, gravy, potatoes, dressing and more. Serves about 15 Ready as soon as 2 days

Your Thanksgiving Dinner Made Easy

We usually get some specific questions about our holiday meals.

How long does it take to heat holiday meals? What if I'm cooking for Thanksgiving lunch?

It completely depends on which items you buy. Some may take up to 2 or 3 hours before they're ready, while others are faster. All heating instructions are included.

Can I buy the turkey or ham dinner, or another meat option, without buying a full holiday and Thanksgiving meal?


Can I buy the sides without buying the full dinner?

Sure can!

Is my meal meant to be cold?

Yes. The premade meals are stored cold and need to be heated at home. The packaging comes with heating instructions to follow. For turkey and ham dinners, the turkey should be cold, thawed and a bit icy, but shouldn’t be frozen.

Where do I pick it up?

Just head to the Deli and ask for your holiday meal. You may need to stop by the Bakery, as well, if you ordered rolls, a pie, or anything similar.

When is the last day I can buy my turkey or ham dinner or complete holiday meal?

Since we need a couple of days to get everything together for you, you should try to order at least three days before your holiday feast. We need at least 48 hours before pickup.

We think you deserve to take it easy this holiday season. That’s why you should just let us take care of most of the cooking this year. We’ve been helping customers with Holiday Meals, Thanksgiving dinner, Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, and even Easter Sunday dinners for a while now, and we have a wide variety of entrees and sides to pick from. Our holiday dinners can feed anywhere from 2 to 18 people. Less stress, less mess.

You can order a holiday and Thanksgiving meal online with our Order Ahead for In-Store Pickup experience. We have a lot of Thanksgiving food and holiday meals to make for folks, so try to give us a heads-up at least a couple days before. Order at least 48 hours in advance.