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Simple Shrimp Boil with Caesar Corn on the Cob
Simple Shrimp Boil with Caesar Corn on the Cob
4 servings
25 minutes total (Active 25 minutes)
  • Prepare corn through step 1 - 5 minutes
  • Prepare shrimp, complete corn; serve - 20 minutes

Simple Shrimp Boil


  • 3 ribs celery, coarsely chopped
  • 2 lemons
  • 3 cups white wine (or seafood stock)
  • 2 cups water
  • 1 tablespoon black peppercorns
  • 2 tablespoons Old Bay Seasoning
  • 1 ½ lb large easy-to-peel shrimp


  • Chop celery (½ cup).


  1. Cut lemons in half and squeeze juice into large stock pot. Add the lemons and remaining ingredients (except shrimp) to the lemon juice. Cover and bring to a boil; boil 2-3 minutes.
  2. Stir in shrimp and cover; cook 2-3 minutes or until shrimp turn pink and opaque. Remove lemons; transfer shrimp and broth to serving bowl. Serve.

Caesar Corn on the Cob


  • 4 tablespoons unsalted butter
  • 4 ears fresh corn
  • 2 tablespoons water
  • ¾ teaspoon zesty Creole garlic/herb seasoning, divided
  • 3 tablespoons refrigerated Caesar dressing
  • 1 tablespoon grated Parmesan cheese


  • Cut butter into small pieces; place in medium bowl to soften.
  • Remove husks and silks from corn.


  1. Combine in microwave-safe dish: water, ½ teaspoon seasoning, and corn, turning to evenly coat corn. Cover and microwave on HIGH 7-8 minutes or until tender.
  2. Whisk into butter: dressing, cheese, and remaining ¼ teaspoon seasoning until thoroughly blended. Add corn and roll in butter mixture until evenly coated. Serve.

Serving Suggestions

  • Complete your meal with a fresh salad blend, baguette, and apple pie for dessert.
  • Leaving the shrimp shells on during cooking will result in a more flavorful and tastier broth.

Simple Shrimp Boil

Amount per ¼ recipe serving: Calories 310, Total Fat 2.5g, Chol 275mg, Sodium 2200mg, Total Carb 9g, Fiber 1g, Calc 15%, Vitamin A 8%, Vitamin C 15%, Iron 4%

Caesar Corn on the Cob

Amount per ¼ recipe serving: Calories 230, Total Fat 18g, Chol 35mg, Sodium 250mg, Total Carb 17g, Fiber 2g, Calc 2%, Vitamin A 10%, Vitamin C 8%, Iron 2%