Shopping list
- 1 (10.8-oz) bag frozen southwestern corn
- 1 pint grape tomatoes, halved
- 1 tablespoon cilantro, finely chopped
- ½ lemon, for juice
- ¼ cup Italian salad dressing
- 1 tablespoon green pepper sauce
- Microwave corn on HIGH for 1–1 ½ minutes to thaw.
- Halve tomatoes and chop cilantro; place both in salad bowl.
- Squeeze juice of one-half lemon (1 tablespoon) over tomatoes.
- Stir in remaining ingredients. Let stand 5 minutes for flavors to blend. Serve.
Amount per ¼ recipe serving: Calories 170, Total Fat 6g, Sat Fat 0.5g, Trans Fat 0g, Chol 0mg, Sodium 580mg, Total Carb 27g, Fiber 3g, Sugars 10g, Protein 4g, Calc 2%, Vitamin A 25%, Vitamin C 35%, Iron 2%