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Strawberry Yogurt Ice Pops
Strawberry Yogurt Ice Pops
12 servings
3 hours, 10 minutes total (Active 10 minutes)


  • 2 cups fresh strawberries
  • 2 cups whole milk plain Greek yogurt
  • ¼ cup honey
  • 1 tablespoon vanilla extract
  • 1 (12 ct, 2.5–3 oz) ice pop mold with sticks


    1. Hull strawberries, then place in food processor bowl and process until puréed. Transfer to small bowl.
    2. Whisk yogurt, honey, and vanilla until well blended. Alternate adding strawberries and yogurt mixture into ice pop wells, leaving ¼ inch clearance for the sticks.
    3. Use skewer (or thin-bladed knife) in an up-and-down motion to swirl layers. Insert ice pop sticks; freeze 3 hours or until completely firm. Serve.

If fruits and vegetables are part of this recipe, be sure to wash thoroughly.

Amount per 1⁄12 recipe serving: Calories 70, Total Fat 2g, Sat Fat 1g, Trans Fat 0g, Chol 10mg, Sodium 15mg, Total Carb 10g, Fiber 1g, Total Sugar 9g, (Incl. 6g Added Sugars), Protein 4g, Vitamin D 0%, Calc 4%, Iron 0%, Potassium 2%