Shopping list
- 1 large red onion
- 12 Bakery water rolls
- 1 ½ lb turkey tenderloins
- 1 ½ cups marinara sauce
- 2 tablespoons chili-garlic sauce
- 6 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil, divided
- 1 (3 oz) package sliced prosciutto
- Nonstick aluminum foil
- 12 oz sliced fresh mozzarella
- Preheat grill (or grill pan) on medium. Cut onion into ½-inch-thick slices. Halve rolls. Halve turkey tenderloins lengthwise (wash hands). Combine marinara sauce and chili-garlic sauce in small saucepan; place on indirect heat on grill (or side burner on low) until hot.
- Coat onions and turkey with 3 tablespoons oil. Place turkey and onion slices on grill; cook 8–10 minutes on each side, turning occasionally, until onions are grill-marked and turkey is 165°F. Remove and let stand to cool.
- Brush cut sides of rolls with remaining 3 tablespoons oil and place cut-side down on grill; cook 1 minute or until toasted. Slice turkey thinly, chop onions coarsely, and tear prosciutto into 12 pieces.
- Arrange bottom halves of rolls cut-side up on 24- x 12-inch piece of foil. Top evenly with turkey, onions, prosciutto, cheese, marinara mixture, and top halves of rolls. Bring up foil sides, then double-fold top and ends to seal. Place foil pouch on grill over indirect heat. Close lid and grill 2–3 minutes until cheese melts; serve.
Amount per 1⁄12 recipe serving: Calories 300, Total Fat 17g, Sat Fat 5g, Trans Fat 0g, Chol 45mg, Sodium 750mg, Total Carb 17g, Fiber 0g, Total Sugar 3g, (Incl. 1g Added Sugars), Protein 21g, Vitamin D 0%, Calc 8%, Iron 6%, Potassium 2%