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Italian-Style Meatballs and Ravioli with Caramel Pear Crisp

6 servings

45 minutes total

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    Italian-Style Meatballs and Ravioli
    Items You May Need
    Items You May Have
    Caramel Pear Crisp
    Items You May Need
    Items You May Have

    Cooking Sequence

    • Prepare crisp recipe and begin to bake (10 minutes)
    • Prepare meatball recipe and serve (35 minutes)


    Italian-Style Meatballs and Ravioli


    • 1 medium zucchini squash
    • ½ cup roasted red peppers
    • 0.5 oz fresh basil
    • 1 tablespoon canola oil
    • 1 lb frozen Italian-style meatballs
    • 1 (20 oz) package fresh cheese ravioli
    • 1 (14 oz) package fresh bruschetta topping (or canned diced tomatoes)
    • ½ cup unsalted chicken stock (or broth)
    • ½ cup crumbled garlic-herb feta cheese


      1. Bring water to a boil for ravioli. Slice zucchini lengthwise into quarters, then cut into bite-size pieces. Chop bell peppers and basil.
      2. Preheat large, nonstick sauté pan on medium 2–3 minutes. Place oil in pan, then add meatballs; cook 3–4 minutes, stirring occasionally, until browned on all sides. Add zucchini; cook and stir 2–3 minutes until zucchini is tender. Cook ravioli following package instructions.
      3. Reduce heat on meatballs to medium-low. Add peppers, bruschetta, and stock; simmer 7–8 minutes until meatballs are 160°F.
      4. Drain ravioli and add to meatballs; stir in basil and top with feta. Serve.

    Caramel Pear Crisp


    • 1 teaspoon + 5 tablespoons unsalted butter
    • 6 ripe pears
    • 10 squares soft caramel candy
    • ¼ cup brown sugar
    • 4 (1.51 oz) packets apple cinnamon instant oatmeal


      1. Preheat oven to 350°F. Coat 9-inch square baking dish with 1 teaspoon butter. Cut remaining 5 tablespoons butter into small pieces and place in medium bowl to soften.
      2. Peel and core pears, then chop into ½-inch chunks. Cut caramels in half; arrange pears and caramels in baking dish. Add sugar and oatmeal to softened butter; combine with fingertips (or 2 forks) until blended and crumbly. Sprinkle mixture over pears.
      3. Bake 18–20 minutes until pears have softened and crumb topping is browned. Serve warm.

    Serving Suggestions

    • Complete your meal with fresh salad blend and dinner rolls.
    • The pear crisp can also be made with fresh apples. You can make it more indulgent by topping with whipped cream or vanilla ice cream.


    Italian-Style Meatballs and Ravioli

    If fruits and vegetables are part of this recipe, be sure to wash thoroughly.

    Caramel Pear Crisp

    If fruits and vegetables are part of this recipe, be sure to wash thoroughly.

    Nutritional information

    Italian-Style Meatballs and Ravioli

    Amount per ⅙ recipe serving: Calories 620, Total Fat 37g, Sat Fat 12g, Trans Fat 0g, Chol 110mg, Sodium 1690mg, Total Carb 48g, Fiber 4g, Total Sugar 6g, (Incl. 2g Added Sugars), Protein 28g, Vitamin D 0%, Calc 20%, Iron 15%, Potassium 8%

    Caramel Pear Crisp

    Amount per ⅑ recipe serving: Calories 300, Total Fat 9g, Sat Fat 5g, Trans Fat 0g, Chol 20mg, Sodium 125mg, Total Carb 54g, Fiber 5g, Total Sugar 36g, (Incl. 14g Added Sugars), Protein 3g, Vitamin D 0%, Calc 4%, Iron 6%, Potassium 6%


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