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Grilled Florida Vegetables
Grilled Florida Vegetables
4 servings
15 minutes total (Active 15 minutes)


  • 4 yellow squash (and/or zucchini)
  • 2 large red bell peppers
  • ¼ cup canola oil
  • 1 teaspoon garlic powder
  • 1 teaspoon onion powder
  • 1 teaspoon kosher salt


    1. Preheat grill or grill pan. Cut each squash lengthwise into three long planks. Cut peppers into quarters and remove stem and core. Place both vegetables in large bowl.
    2. Combine remaining ingredients; coat vegetables evenly with mixture.
    3. Place peppers on grill; cook 5-6 minutes on each side or until tender. Cook squash 2-3 minutes on each side or until tender. Cut into bite-size pieces to serve.

    Other Preparation Methods

    Microwave: Place 4 cups squash and bell pepper (bite-size cuts) in large microwave-safe bowl, cover, and microwave on HIGH 2 minutes. Stir in 2 cups fresh green beans; cover and microwave 3-4 more minutes until tender. Let stand 1 minute. Stir in sundried-tomato butter and Parmesan cheese.

    Sauté: Preheat large sauté pan. Place 2 tablespoons oil in pan; add 3 cups squash (cut ½-inch-thick), and 1 cup each cut bell peppers and fresh green beans. Cook and stir 5-6 minutes until tender. Stir in basil pesto.

Other Preparation Methods

  • Microwave: Place 4 cups squash and bell pepper (bite-size cuts) in large microwave-safe bowl, cover, and microwave on HIGH 2 minutes. Stir in 2 cups fresh green beans; cover and microwave 3-4 more minutes until tender. Let stand 1 minute. Stir in sundried-tomato butter and Parmesan cheese.

    Sauté: Preheat large sauté pan. Place 2 tablespoons oil in pan; add 3 cups squash (cut ½-inch-thick), and 1 cup each cut bell peppers and fresh green beans. Cook and stir 5-6 minutes until tender. Stir in basil pesto.

Amount per ¼ recipe serving: Calories 180, Total Fat 15g, Chol 0mg, Sodium 290mg, Total Carb 12g, Fiber 4g, Calc 4%, Vitamin A 60%, Vitamin C 210%, Iron 6%