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Fish with Warm Vegetable Chopped Salad
Fish with Warm Vegetable Chopped Salad
4 servings
30 minutes total


  • 2 frozen breaded (or battered) cod fillets (10–12 oz)
  • 1 tablespoon canola oil
  • 1 package fresh butternut (or zucchini squash) spirals (9–10 oz)
  • ½ teaspoon kosher salt
  • ½ teaspoon pepper
  • 8 oz fresh snow peas
  • 1 Asian chopped salad kit (cabbage, carrots, nuts, and sesame dressing; 12–13 oz)
  • 1 lime, for wedges


    1. Preheat oven to 425°F. Bake fish following package instructions.
    2. Preheat large, nonstick sauté pan on medium-high 2–3 minutes. Add oil, spirals, salt, and pepper; cook and stir 2 minutes. Stir in peas; cook and stir 2–3 minutes until vegetables are crisp-tender.
    3. Stir in contents of salad kit and toss to coat. Cut lime into wedges. Divide vegetable mixture between serving plates; top with fish and serve with lime wedges.

Amount per ¼ recipe serving: Calories 410, Total Fat 18g, Sat Fat 2.5g, Trans Fat 0g, Chol 50mg, Sodium 880mg, Total Carb 33g, Fiber 7g, Sugars 8g, Protein 27g, Calc 10%, Vitamin A 0%, Vitamin C 0%, Iron 15%