Shopping list
- 1 (7 oz) package microwaveable semisweet (or milk) dipping chocolate
- 4 (0.75 oz) crunchy granola bars
- 1 cup mini marshmallows
- Melt chocolate following package instructions.
- Arrange granola bars on serving plate; top each with 1 tablespoon chocolate, then cover with marshmallows.
- Drizzle with remaining chocolate. Serve immediately or chill until ready to serve.
Amount per ¼ recipe serving: Calories 370, Total Fat 18g, Sat Fat 9g, Trans Fat 0g, Chol 0mg, Sodium 100mg, Total Carb 54g, Fiber 4g, Total Sugar 39g, (Incl. 39g Added Sugars), Protein 5g, Vitamin D 0%, Calc 0%, Iron 15%, Potassium 0%