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Cranberry, Raspberry, and Pear Sauce

Cranberry, Raspberry, and Pear Sauce

8 servings

25 minutes total

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    • ½ cup water
    • ½ cup granulated sugar
    • 12 oz fresh (or frozen, thawed) cranberries
    • ¼ teaspoon ground ginger
    • 2 ripe pears
    • 1 lemon, for zest/juice
    • 1 orange, for zest
    • 1 cup fresh (or frozen, thawed) raspberries


      1. Place water and sugar in medium saucepan on medium-high; bring to a boil and stir to dissolve sugar. Reduce heat to medium, then add cranberries and ginger; simmer 4–5 minutes.
      2. Peel pears and cut into ¼-inch cubes. Zest lemon (1 teaspoon), then juice (2 tablespoons); zest orange (2 teaspoons).
      3. Add pears, lemon and orange zests, lemon juice, and raspberries to pan; simmer 6–8 minutes, stirring occasionally, until cranberries pop and sauce thickens. Serve.


    If fruits and vegetables are part of this recipe, be sure to wash thoroughly.

    Nutritional information

    Amount per ⅛ recipe serving: Calories 100, Total Fat 0.5g, Sat Fat 0g, Trans Fat 0g, Chol 0mg, Sodium 0mg, Total Carb 24g, Fiber 4g, Total Sugar 16g, (Incl. 13g Added Sugars), Protein 2g, Vitamin D 0%, Calc 2%, Iron 6%, Potassium 2%


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