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Chocolate Hazelnut S'mores Dip
Chocolate Hazelnut S'mores Dip
24 servings
45 minutes total (Active 20 minutes)


  • 3 cups chocolate-hazelnut spread
  • Nonstick aluminum foil
  • 3 cups marshmallows
  • Graham crackers, sandwich cookies, fresh strawberries, or dried banana chips (optional for dipping)


    1. Preheat grill on medium. Spread chocolate-hazelnut spread in even layer in bottom of cast-iron skillet. Cover skillet with foil, then place on grill and cook 10 minutes.
    2. Remove foil carefully from skillet. Layer with marshmallows until chocolate is completely covered. Grill 6–8 minutes until marshmallows soften and begin to brown.
    3. Remove skillet carefully from heat; let stand 10 minutes to cool. Serve with crackers, cookies, or fruit for dipping, if using.
    Chef's Tip: This recipe can be baked at 425°F following recipe instructions. For additional browning on marshmallows, broil on center rack about 1 minute.

Amount per 1⁄24 recipe serving: Calories 220, Total Fat 11g, Sat Fat 11g, Trans Fat 0g, Chol 0mg, Sodium 20mg, Total Carb 28g, Fiber 2g, Total Sugar 24g, (Incl. 24g Added Sugars), Protein 2g, Vitamin D 0%, Calc 4%, Iron 10%, Potassium 4%