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Yoplait Yogurt, Low Fat, Strawberry Banana/Strawberry, Marvel Spidey and His Amazing Friends
Yoplait Yogurt, Low Fat, Strawberry Banana/Strawberry, Marvel Spidey and His Amazing Friends
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Product details 4 cups: Strawberry Banana Flavored with other natural flavor. 4 cups: Strawberry Flavored with other natural flavor. 100 calories per serving. Vitamins A & D. Contains bioengineered food ingredients. Learn more at Marvel Spidey and his amazing friends. No colors from artificial sources. No high fructose corn syrup. Time to spidey-swing. Help us swing to the city to save the day. Stopping bad guys and crawling walls team spidey does it all. Grade A. Comments? Save cup, lid and call 1-800-967-5248 or visit Box Tops for Education. Download the app. Scan your receipt. Earn cash for schools.
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