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Publix Brussels Sprouts, Whole, Steam-in-Bag
Publix Brussels Sprouts, Whole, Steam-in-Bag
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Product details Steam-in-bag. Publix Guarantee: Complete satisfaction or your money back. Scan for more food inofrmation.
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Steam-in-Bag Directions: Gently separate the product in the bag. (Do not pierce bag). Place unopened bag on a microwave safe dish with front panel facing down in the microwave at all times. Microwave on high 5 to 6-1/2 minutes. Bag will expand as steam builds and contract as steam escapes during the cooking process. Let stand 1-2 minutes to allow hot steam to deflate. Cooking process, carefully handle bag at sealed ends of corners without turning package over remove from microwave. Hold bag over serving dish, carefully cut open and pour into serving dish. Caution: Contents are very hot. Always keep back panel facing up to prevent any excess moisture from leaking. Microwave this side up. Microwaves vary, adjust time as needed. Stovetop Directions: Place brussels sprouts and 1/2 cup water into a saucepan. Bring to a boil. Reduce heat, cover, and simmer 6-9 minutes, stirring frequently. Drain; season to taste. For food safety and quality, follow the cooking directions: Before eating, cook thoroughly to at least 165 degrees F. Keep frozen until ready to cook. Do not thaw. Refrigerate leftovers. Keep frozen.