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Publix Bird Seed, Red Bird
Publix Bird Seed, Red Bird
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Product details Publix Red Bird Seed has been developed specifically to attract red birds such as the Northern Cardinal, using a special blend of black oil sunflower seed and safflower seed. These are among the favor to cer'.s and grains of this popular songbird. When your feeder is stocked with this specific blend you improve your chances of attracting and retaining Northern Cardinals. 3 Essentials for Attracting the Greatest Variety of Wild Birds: Food: Offering a regular food supply is the single most important way to attract wild birds to your backyard. Publix wild bird food is available in several different blends to attract the greatest variety of birds. For best results, offer a variety of these wild bird food products at separate feeding locations. Feeder: Offer several different types of feeders to attract different types of wild birds. Locating feeders in a variety of locations in your backyard will increase the chances of maintaining unique species groups. Trees and shrubs are great locations to hang feeders. Water: In addition to the right food and feeder, an adequate supply of fresh water will attract birds to your backyard for bathing and drinking. The water supply needs to be kept clean from debris. Featured Bird: Northern Cardinal. The official bird of seven U.S states was named after the red rube, worn by Roman Catholic cardinals, and sings a variety of cheerful songs year-round. Cardinals are aggressive birds, and the male will fight other birds to defend his territory, even trying to attack his owl reflection in anything from windows to automobile hubcaps. These birds have adapted well to suburban life, visiting backyard Feeders regularly. and have even been known to take food from the hand. The adult male is bright red with a crest, black mask through its eyes, and a cone-shaped reddish bill. The adult female is buff-brown tinged with red on crest, wings, and tail. Juveniles resemble the adult female but have a blackish instead of reddish bill. The Northern Cardinal is attracted to cracked corn, sunflower seeds, and birdseed; will also bathe in birdbaths. Year-round range. Summer range. Winter range. Other Birds Attracted by this Seed: Bunting; Junoc; Grosbeak; Cardinal; Chickadee; Nuthatch; Woodpecker; Titmouse. Publix Guarantee: Complete satisfaction or your money back.


Manufactured in a facility that processes peanuts and tree nuts.,Not intended for any other use. Not for human consumption.

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Store unused feed in cool, dry place.