Warning: Do not use tap water unless sterilized by boiling. For your safety, do not use tap or faucet water for dissolving the mixture unless it has been previously boiled for five minutes or more and then cooled to lukewarm or body temperature, as boiling sterilizes the water. Other choices are distilled, micro-filtered (through 0.2 micron), reverse osmosis filtered or commercially bottled water. Each device must be used only by one user; do not share this product with others. Follow the cleaning protocol after each use of the product. Replace this device within three months of your first use. Rinse your nose gently. Before using this product, you must read detailed warnings in the enclosed brochure or on our website at: www.neilmed.com/directions. Our website will always have up-to-date warnings. For sale in USA only. Attention: Medical research recommends following the cleaning protocol fully described in the enclosed brochure for the Sinus Rinse bottle and Nasaflo Neti Pot after every use and replacing the device after three months. Important: Please do not discard this printed box and any enclosed printed material. The inside final product may not have all the details you require for the ongoing use of the product.