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Near East Couscous Mix, Wild Mushroom & Herb Flavors
Near East Couscous Mix, Wild Mushroom & Herb Flavors
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Product details With other natural flavors. Cooks in 5 minutes. Per Serving: 190 calories; 0 g sat fat (0% DV); 580 mg sodium (24% DV); 1 g sugars; 3 g fiber (10% DV) (See nutrition information for sodium content). More recipes! For product information and recipes go to or scan. For questions or comments, call 1-800-822-7423. Please have package available when calling. This package is sold by weight, not volume. Contents settle during shipping and handling. Please recycle this carton.
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Range Top Directions: 1. In medium saucepan, combine 1-1/4 cups water and 1 tablespoon butter or olive oil and contents of spice sack. 2. Bring to a boil; stir in couscous. 3. Cover; remove from heat. Let stand 5 minutes. 4. Fluff couscous lightly with fork before serving. Makes 3 cups. Microwave Directions: 1. In round 2-quart microwaveable glass casserole, combine 1-1/4 cups water, 1 tablespoon butter or olive oil and contents of spice sack. 2. Cover, microwave at high 5 to 6 minutes or until boiling (Microwave ovens may vary. Adjust times as needed). 3. Stir in couscous; cover; let stand 5 minutes. 4. Fluff couscous lightly with fork before serving. Low Fat Directions: Follow package directions, except omit butter or olive oil (See nutrition information for sodium content). High Altitude Preparation: At high altitudes, increase water to 1-1/3 cups and stand time to 7 minutes.