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Lance® Toast Chee ToastChee Cheddar Sandwich Crackers
Lance® Toast Chee ToastChee Cheddar Sandwich Crackers
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Product details For more than 100 years, Lance has been fueling families with delicious snacks. One of our all-time fan favorites is ToastChee crackers, a delicious cheddar cheese and cracker creation. These are a true original and made to satisfy. At Lance, sandwiches mean more: they aren’t just two somethings with whatever in the middle. ToastChee crackers are fresh-baked crackers paired with a real cheese filling for a classic and tasty snack. Or, as we say, a Lance Sandwich cracker is two awesomes on the outside with totally incredible in the middle. You get 20 cracker snack packs, each with 6 sandwich crackers per pack. That means you can enjoy these convenient cheese and cracker creations during lunch breaks, for afternoon snacks, or snacking any other time - even on the go. The next time you’re ready to take a moment or need a quick pick-me-up, be sure to snack with your one and only Lance Sandwich crackers, the king of all sandwich crackers. Bring it!
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Best if used by date on package.