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Lance® Malt with Peanut Butter Sandwich Crackers
Lance® Malt with Peanut Butter Sandwich Crackers
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Product details Nothing satisfies a snacking urge like Lance Malt with Peanut Butter crackers. We combined tasty, round malt crackers with real peanut butter filling smack-dab in the middle. Talk about snacking excellence! At Lance, sandwiches mean more: they aren’t just two somethings with whatever in the middle. Or, as we say, a Lance Sandwich cracker is two awesomes on the outside with totally incredible in the middle. Toasty Peanut Butter crackers put two of our fresh-baked malt crackers on the outside with real peanut butter filling we make ourselves in between. You get 10 cracker snack packs with 6 sandwich crackers per pack. That means you can enjoy a perfect snack for breaks, afternoon snacks, or whenever you’re hungry between meals. They’re also ideal for packing when you’re on-the-go snacking. You can grab all that malty, peanut goodness, any time. Lance has been fueling families for more than 100 years. Malt with Peanut Butter sandwich crackers are no exception. Lance Sandwich crackers, the king of all sandwich crackers. Bring it!
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Best if used by date on package.