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Hefty Slider Bags, Freezer, Quart
Hefty Slider Bags, Freezer, Quart
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Product details (0.94 l). 8 in. x 2 in. x 5-11/16 in. (20.3 cm x 5 cm x 14.4 cm). Stand & fill expandable bottom. 15 slider bags. Microwave safe. Be sure it's secure. Track design for an extra strong seal. Zipping Sound. Indicates the seal is secure. Expandable bottom. Easier to stand & fill. Helps prevent freezer burn keeping food fresher longer. To contact us visit:, call: 1-800-433-2244 or write: Hefty Brands, PO Box 85583, Richmond, VA 23285-5583. When communicating about this particular product, please include end flap with the embossed numbers, or laser printed white numbers, and the UPC bar code located on this panel. BPA Free (Made of polyethylene: BPA has never been used to make polyethylene) No contienen bisfenol-A (BPA). This carton is made with 100% recycled paperboard that can be recycled again after your use. Recycle Hefty brand food bags when clean and dry at participating retailers in the United States. This carton is made with 100% recycled paperboard that can be recycled again after your use. Recycle Hefty Brand Bags when clean and dry at participating retailers in the United States. Made in Thailand.


Warning! Choking hazard - Children may be able to tear slider from bag and choke on loose slider. Immediately discard any loose sliders. Not for children under 3 years.,Caution: For use in microwave. Place bag on a microwave safe plate or dish. Use short microwave duration of 2 minutes or less. Use defrost or medium to low power setting: Do not use high power. Do not overheat food as bag may melt. Use caution when removing bag from microwave as contents and bag may be hot. Bags are not to be used for roasting. Baking. Boiling or cooking of any kind.

Additional info
Microwave Instructions: Defrost & reheat only - Open bag/zipper at least one inch to vent.