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FitCrunch High Protein Bar, Baked, Peanut Butter and Jelly
FitCrunch High Protein Bar, Baked, Peanut Butter and Jelly
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Product details Naturally flavored. 16 g protein; 3 g sugar; 190 calories. NSF: Certified gluten free. Gluten free. Contains a bioengineered food ingredient. For more information, visit Chef Robert Irvine. Chef created 6-layer baked bar. My goal is simple; I want to empower people, through food and fitness, to thrive each day. - Chef Robert Irvine, Owner. Take a bite & (hashtag)fitcrunch. Connect with us (at)fitcrunchbars. Instagram. Facebook. Twitter. YouTube. Pinterest. Product question? Email: help(at) Learn more at Made in USA with domestic and imported ingredients.