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Febreze Fabric Fabric Refresher, Gain Original
Febreze Fabric Fabric Refresher, Gain Original
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Product details Fights odors & freshens. Formulated with: no dyes; no phthalates; no formaldehyde. Questions? 1-800-308-Easy (3279). Bottle made from 25% post-consumer recycled plastic.


Use only as directed. Some hard surfaces may become damp when sprayed. Avoid slips or falls. Keep out of reach of children and pets. Do not spray directly toward face. If eye contact occurs, rinse well with water.

Additional info
Directions: Spray fabric until slightly damp to reduce odors. Do not use on leather, suede, silk or fabrics that may water spot. Safe when used properly around cats and dogs. As with other air care products, not for use around birds.