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Ezy Dose Medtime Planner Pill Planner, 2 XL
Ezy Dose Medtime Planner Pill Planner, 2 XL
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Product details Arthritis foundation. Ease of use. Ezy Dose is the leader in innovative, easy-to-use medication management products. This weekly Ezy dose medtime planner features push buttons that easily pop open each compartment. Rubberized 'feet' allow the planner to grip a counter for one-handed opening. Push buttons are excellent for those with dexterity or hand sensitivity issues. Lids are easy to open and marked with the weekday and time of day. Each compartment has a rounded base for easy pill retrieval.


Warning: This product is neither child resistant nor is it a toy. Keep this and all medicine out of a child's reach.

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Directions: Wash before initial use with warm, soapy water. Rinse and allow to dry completely before using.