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Clyde Mays Whiskey, Straight Bourbon
Clyde Mays Whiskey, Straight Bourbon
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Product details Available since 1946. Legal since 2001. Conecuh Ridge Distillery. USA. Carefully crafted. Filtration. Honoring the historic distillation process made famous by Clyde May - The Clyde 240. Master Distiller - Clyde May. Recipe. Say whatcha be. Be whatcha say. Clyde May was a moonshiner by trade but a craftsman by heart. He made his famous whiskey in a hand-built copper still, with fresh Alabama spring water and the finest local ingredients. The man was locked up for his passion. Eight months in the federal penitentiary - yet he started up those copper stills the day he got out. This straight bourbon honors Clyde’s dedication to the craft. We use simple ingredients and a patient aging process to produce a fine, easy-drinking spirit. Like Clyde’s own moonshine, it’s a whiskey with integrity. Straightforward, porch-sitting, rocking chair bourbon and this time, it’s perfectly legal.


Government Warning: (1) According to the Surgeon General, women should not drink alcoholic beverages during pregnancy because of the risk of birth defects. (2) Consumption of alcoholic beverages impairs your ability to drive a car or operate machinery, and may cause health problems.