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Bunny Rolls, Enriched, Brown 'N Serve
Bunny Rolls, Enriched, Brown 'N Serve
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Product details Bread is a low fat, cholesterol free food. Per 2 Rolls: 120 calories; 0 g sat fat (0% DV); 210 mg sodium (9% DV); 2 g sugars. Serve piping hot in 6 to 8 minutes. Visit our site for recipes and special offers at
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Easy as A - B - C. A. Pre-heat oven to approximately 400 to 450 degrees F. B. Remove from the bag the number of rolls to be baked and place separately on ungreased baking sheet or pan. C. Brown to desired color (6 to 8 minutes), brush with melted butter before or after baking, and serve piping hot from the oven. Remove from bag before baking. Unbaked Bunny Brown 'N Serve Rolls will stay fresh and ready for baking in this convenient bag for several days on your pantry shelf - For several weeks in your refrigerator - Indefinitely in your freezer - Ready for baking whenever you want fresh rolls.