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Ayr Saline Nasal Gel, with Soothing Aloe
Ayr Saline Nasal Gel, with Soothing Aloe
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Product details Other Information: Store at room temperature (59 degrees - 86 degrees F). Mfd. in the USA for B. F. Ascher & Co., Inc. Foil safety seal over tube orifice embossed with Ascher logo-use cap end to puncture seal.


Warnings: For external use only except as directed below. Keep out of reach of children. Foil safety seal over tube orifice embossed with Ascher logo. Use only if intact. Use cap end to puncture seal.

Additional info
Directions: Apply Ayr Gel around nostrils and under nose as often as needed. Ayr Gel may be placed in nostrils to help relieve discomfort. Use during the day and at bedtime to prevent drying and crusting. Directions: Apply gel around nostrils and under nose as often as needed. May be placed in nostrils to help relieve discomfort.