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Redmond Real Salt Sea Salt, Fine, Ancient
Redmond Real Salt Sea Salt, Fine, Ancient
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Product details Ancient fine sea salt. Gluten free. Paleo friendly. Keto friendly. Redmond - Live your journey. Amazing taste. Unrefined mineral salt. Perfect for everyday use. Utah's finest. The greatest salt on earth. Is Your Salt Real? This salt does not supply iodide, a necessary nutrient. Unlike Any Salt On Earth: Long before the earth knew pollution, volcanic eruptions sealed an ancient, pristine ocean beneath a layer of protective ash in what is now North America. Real Salt is the only brand of sea salt harvested from this ancient deposit near Redmond, Utah. We bring it to you exactly as nature created it - an unrefined, ancient sea salt with a subtle, sweet flavor unlike any other salt on earth. Perfect for Everyday Use: Use Real Salt on your kitchen table and in all your recipes. From a Single Source: Real Salt is America's only pink salt, mined in Utah since 1958. Preferred by Experts: Professionals and chefs choose Real Salt for its minerals and flavor. Take the Real Salt Taste Test: 1. Taste Real Salt. 2. Try any other salt. The difference will amaze you. Simple + Clean + Real. Utah's own. Your food is about to get better. (hashtag)betterwithrealsalt. Facebook. Instagram. Twitter. What makes salt real? Please recycle this package. Mined in America.