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Cafe Sello Rojo Coffee, Ground, Medium Roast, Tradicional
Cafe Sello Rojo Coffee, Ground, Medium Roast, Tradicional
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Product details No. 1 coffee brand in Colombia. Medium roast and grinding. We guarantee that this coffee is of the highest quality. When you taste our bold, exceptionally velvety coffee, you will know what Colombians have known for generations: more than mere beans, it's the people who have made Sello Rojo the no. 1 brand in Colombia. Dispose of properly. Mind the environment. Recycle. Produced in Colombia.
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Add 2 tablespoons of ground coffee for every 6 ounce of filtered water. 2 tbsp coffee + 6 fl oz water. Adjust the recipe to suit you. Store coffee in an airtight container at room temperature in cool, dark place.