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Baked Tomatoes with Chicken Salad
Baked Tomatoes with Chicken Salad
4 servings
30 minutes total


  • 2 tablespoons unsalted butter
  • 2 tablespoons fresh Italian parsley
  • 4 large (or 12 plum) tomatoes
  • ½ cup panko bread crumbs
  • ¼ cup shredded Parmesan cheese
  • ½ teaspoon dried Italian seasoning
  • ¼ teaspoon pepper
  • 4 tablespoons sliced almonds, divided
  • 8 oz Deli prepared chicken salad


    1. Preheat oven to 400°F. Cut butter into small pieces and place in medium bowl to soften. Chop parsley coarsely. Cut ¼ inch off top of each tomato; scoop out seeds and flesh.
    2. Add to bowl with butter: bread crumbs, cheese, parsley, Italian seasoning, pepper, and 2 tablespoons almonds; use fingertips to blend until crumbly.
    3. Stir remaining 2 tablespoons almonds into chicken salad. Fill tomatoes with chicken salad; top with crumb topping. Bake 15–20 minutes until tops are golden and centers are 165°F. Serve.

Amount per ¼ recipe serving: Calories 310, Total Fat 22g, Sat Fat 6g, Trans Fat 0g, Chol 45mg, Sodium 370mg, Total Carb 19g, Fiber 3g, Total Sugar 8g, (Incl. 1g Added Sugars), Protein 11g, Vitamin D 0%, Calc 8%, Iron 10%, Potassium 10%